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The crops they grew were maize, barley, sunflower, squash, goosefoot, may grass, and wheat.

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Q: What crops did the Hopewell and Adena cultures cultivate?
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Related questions

When did people begin to cultivate crops?

People began to cultivate crops around 9,000 B.C.

What is it called to prepare soil for crops?


What are vegetable crops?

Vegetables crops are mostly annual crops. Its life period is short. People can cultivate as home garden them.

Does cultivate has a prefix?

Yes, the prefix in "cultivate" is "cult-," which comes from the Latin word "cultivare" meaning to prepare or tend land for crops.

What is the meaning of cultivate?

To prepare land for the growing of crops.

Can you give mean the meaning of the word cultivate?

The farmer cultivates the soil in preparation for the new growing season. They are cultivating a positive energy in the neighborhood with the building of the new community center.

What types of crops did the French settlers cultivate?

Poo, pee, and corn from their poo

Who were the first to cultivate food crops in the Americas?

The Indians living in Central Mexico

What do people living in temperate region cultivate?

People living in temperate regions often cultivate crops such as wheat, barley, oats, corn, potatoes, apples, and grapes. These crops are well-suited to the moderate climate and can thrive in the seasonal changes characteristic of temperate regions.

Why was there little use of indentured servants or slaves in New England?

it was an impractical place to cultivate cash crops.

What kind of crop did the Hopewell Indians grow?

The Hopewell Indians grew various plants such as squash, maize and sunflowers. The Hopewell Indians lived in the Midwest and Northeastern United States. They also created an exchange system that extended into the Southeastern United States.

What developments in Adena culture came about as a results of the expansion of agriculture?

people gre more crops stayed in areas longer and developed elaborate ceremonies