Orange County, California (specifically Irvine, CA).
The city of Irvine, Orange County, Southern California.
The address of the Children'S Museum Of Orange County is: 17752 Sky Park Cir, Irvine, CA 92614
Antech Diagnostice in Irvine 949-752-0656
The address of the University Ca Irvine Arboretum is: N Campus Dr, Irvine, CA 92697
The distance from Irvine Ca. to Ashland Or. is approximately 718 miles.
The phone number of the University Ca Irvine Arboretum is: 949-824-5833.
The address of the Irvine Museum is: 18881 Von Karman Ave, Irvine, CA 92612
There is one in Irvine/Costa Mesa, CA.It's called John Wayne Airport.
You can donate used books in Irvine, CA to organizations such as Goodwill, the Orange County Public Libraries, local schools, or community centers like the Irvine Community Center. Additionally, you can check with local churches or charity organizations for book donation opportunities.
The address of the Irvine Historical Society is: 5 Rancho San Joaquin, Irvine, CA 92715