The phone number of the Carroll County Museum is: 660-542-1511.
1511 - 1346 = 165
Yes, 1511 is a prime number.
The address of the Wasatch County Library is: 465 East 1200 South, Heber City, 84032 2044
11 - 26 = -1511 - 26 = -1511 - 26 = -1511 - 26 = -15
The address of the Clark County Mural Society is: 4606 Nw Grant Place, Vancouver, WA 98663-1728
% rate:= (1511/2537) x 100%= 0.5956 x 100%= 59.56%
in 1511
In 1511
Henry the Duke of Cornwall was born at Richmond Palace in 1511.