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Lyon County is a county in Kansas.

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Q: What county in Kansas is a fierce wild animal?
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Not wild or fierce?

yes wild

How much does a wild cat cost?

You can't have a wild cat it's not right to take a wild animal out of it's wild habitat. And the cat would be very fierce and could have countless desiseases.

What is the fiercest wild animal in Britain?

I know they did have wolves at at one time but I think they have been hunted to extinction there. So the most fierce animal now is the badger

Is it legal to own a chipmunk in Kansas?

no it is not it is considered a wild animal for example my pal had one in captivity and it ate his baby cat and he couldn't get insurance because it was considered a wild animal. there you go

How do you spell fierce in latin?

The Latin word ferus means "wild, untamed, fierce" and is the ultimate source of our word "fierce."

Which English word comes from ferociter and what does ferociter mean?

Feral means "wild" and ferociter literally means acting like a wild animal. Among the English words which derive from it are "fierce, ferocious".

How do you hold a wild parrot?

With fierce courage.

What is a synonym for ferocious?

cruel, brutal, wild, untamed, ruthless, murderous, inhumane, fierce, violent

What rhyming word for came that is not wild or fierce?


What is the synonyms of wild?

savage, untamed, fierce, feral, undomesticated, tempestuous, wanton, unrestrained

What does the latin word ferre mean?

The word feros in Latin means the inflection of ferus. Ferus is a Latin word that means a wild animal, some adjectives are wild or savage.

Can kids keep opossums as a pet in Kansas?

Unless you have a permit, it is illegal to keep opossums as pets in the state of Kansas.