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Pakistan was a part of the United Kingdom before becoming independent.

Pakistan used to be a part of the British territory of India. When India became independent it split into two countries: India and Pakistan.

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(Actually India came into being on 15th august 1947, whereas Pakistan was created on 14th of august 1947. Before the formation of India, there were separate small states controlled by the rajas and likes)

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It belonged to India before it became its own country.

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Pakistan used to be part of the British Indian Empire before it became independent.

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Bangladesh (at that time known as East Pakistan)

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Bangladesh - if you call it a 'nation'

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Q: What country was Pakistan a part of before it became independent?
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What country was Pakistan apart of before it became an independent country?

India. Pakistan split from India in 1947. (And it's "a part" not "apart" - the two mean opposite things!)

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It's on the 14 August, the day before Pakistan was made an independent country based on border lines created by the British during the end of their rule of India. Pakistan became an independent country in 1947.

What country was Pakistan apart of before it became Pakistan?


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It's on the 14 August, the day before Pakistan was made an independent country based on border lines created by the British during the end of their rule of India. Pakistan became an independent country in 1947.

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What is the old name of Pakistan befor Pakistan?

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