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Saudi Arabia. The authority of the King of the Saudis derives from his position as Guardian of the Holy Sites.

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9y ago

Mecca is not a country but a city in Saudi Arabia. Mecca is also considered the holiest city in Islam. It is a lovely place and has a lot of culture to be discovered.

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7y ago

Yes, Mecca is a city in Saudi Arabia, which is considered, by most, to be in the Middle East.

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14y ago

Saudi Arabia

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Q: What country is Mecca the holiest city of islam located?
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What is Islam's holiest city and where is it located?

In Islam the holliest city is mecca (Makkah ) , it is located in Saudi Arabia .

Where is Mecca the holy city of Islam?

Mecca (Makka), the holiest city in Islam is located in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

What is Mecca's motto?

The motto of Mecca is 'Holiest city in Islam'.

Is Mecca associated with Muhammad?

Mecca is associated to Islam. It's the Holiest city of Islam & Al-Masjd Al-haram (The Sacred Mosque) of Mecca is the Holiest Mosque in Islam. In this Mosque Al-Ka'aba is located which is the Qibla that Muslims must face when praying to God. Also, Muhammad, peace be upon Him,the prophet of Islam was born in Mecca.

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Mecca is a proper noun. It refers to a specific place, the holiest city in Islam, located in Saudi Arabia.

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Where is the center of Islam and has that changed if so to where?

Mecca is still the holiest city in Islam

Holy City in SAudia Arabia?

The Holiest two cities in Islam are Mecca & Madina, the two are located in KSA.

What are the two holiest cities of Islam?

Mecca and Medina. They are both located in Saudi Arabia in the Middle East. Sincere MuslimMecca & Madina. Both are located in KSA.