Slovenia gets an average of 1399 mm of rainfall a year due to its closeness to the mountains and alps. Italy and Germany get about 930 mm perception a year and United Kingdom gets about 750 mm of rainfall.
Europe does not, Asia is the continent with the highest population density. However, Monaco (a European country) is the country with the highest population density.
Slovenia receives the most precipitation out of any European country.
Russia, Mount Elbrus.
highest amount of rainfall in hawaii is a 15 inches
In Dang Jilla highest rainfall in gujarat.
what is the highest rainfall intensity in the philippines
Russia has the highest murder rate in Europe. However, this includes all of Russia. Estonia is the wholly European country with the highest murder rate.
The Dutch (or Netherlands) had the highest standards of living in the mid 1600's in Europe.
Asia has the most rainfall
Norway and Iceland