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Q: What country has supplied Russia with most of its food supplies?
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What are Russia's manufactured goods?

Russia's manufactured goods include machinery, vehicles, aircraft, electronics, chemicals, textiles, and food products. The country has a diverse industrial base that produces a wide range of goods for domestic consumption and export.

What food is supplied in the ocean?

The food which is supplied in the ocean are known as sea foods

What are some cons of the Berlin Airlift was it worth it?

There are no cons, other than the usual logistical problems which is part of life. The people needed food and medical supplies...we supplied it. It was worth it.

Was food was supplied to the people after Hurricane Katrina?

Various organizations, such as the Red Cross and FEMA, provided ready-to-eat meals and supplies to the people affected by Hurricane Katrina. These supplies included MREs (Meals Ready-to-Eat), canned goods, bottled water, and other non-perishable items. Local communities and volunteers also distributed food and supplies to those in need.

What state supplied food for the union during the civil war?

Either Maryland or Delaware supplied food for the Union.

The Berlin aircraft was US reaction to?

After World War 2, Russia, The United States, England, and France, each took control over a section of Berlin. Russia however had the surrounding countryside. Russia closed the roads leading to Berlin. The people in Berlin could not get food. Russia was going to make them starve. At that point President Harry Truman began the Berlin Airlift. He supplied food to the people of Berlin by air.

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How did the domino theory get the US into World War 1?

The US was an ally with France, Britain and Russia. The US was fighting to keep the peace in Europe. The United States supplied its allies with weapon food etc...

Why did Britain have rationing in the war blitz?

Supplies in Britain were low at this point. More effort was put into defending the country than growing things and it was also hard to get supplies into the country with Germany constantly boming us. Therefore food had to be limited, if it hadn't been there could of been riots and fighting over food and richer people would have lots of food where as the poorer would have none.