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Q: What country divided by Germany and the USSR?
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Which country did Germany divide with Poland?

The Soviet Union (USSR) divided Poland with Germany.

What country was divided into two nations after World War 2?

Germany was divided in West Germany and East Germany. West Germany was an independent democracy. East Germany was a bloc state of the USSR.

Which European country was divided between the USSR and France and England after world war 2?

Germany .

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Why did the allies divide Germany into 4 zones of occupation?

They divided Berlin into 4 zones not Germany, Germany was divided into east and west Germany simply due to the hostility of the USSR and western countries keen to keep eastern Europe non communist and vice versa for the USSR. Berlin being in the USSR's half was divided into 4 zone as being the capital it was a important economic and political symbol for Germany, it would be unfair to give it all to one country. Therefore it was divided into 4 zones, among the four "super powers": France, Britain, America and the USSR

Why did Japan remain a unified country after World War two?

After WW II Germany was divided into East and West Germany because it had been occupied by all of the allied powers, including the USSR, and the USSR turned the part of Germany that it occupied into a Soviet satellite state. In comparison, Japan was occupied only by the US, and therefore there was no reason for it to be divided.

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Was East Germany related to the USSR?

Yes, before the fall of the Soviet Union and the reunification of Germany, East Germany (DDR) was an Eastern Bloc country, directly affiliated with the USSR.

What four powers divided Germany into four zones?

USSR, USA, UK, and France

What did the Berlin wall divided?

The socialist part of Germany ( under influence of USSR ) and the capitalist part of Germany ( under influence of USA )

Why were the country US Britain France USSR chosen to control Germany during World War 2?

Germany was controlled by Germany during the war after Germany surrendered the allies which were US Britian USSR and France divided control of the country at the Potsdam Conference Aug. 1945 You might say that Germany was the spoils of war, "To the victors go the spoils". But there were no leaders there to take control the country was broke the industries had been bombed out someone had to take control and the US did not want Russia to have all of Germany, Russia did not want Britian to have complete control, US and Britian did not want France to have control Germany had too much resources to let just one country have it all so they divided it up.