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America by a wide margin

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Q: What country England or American had an better army?
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Why was England better suited for war than were the colonies?

The England army were better trained because the colonies army were a bunch of farmers.

What Latin American country has no army?

Costa Rica is the only Latin American country with no standing army.

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Who is better US or China in Army?

i think that the US army is better because China is a very big country

How was Brtish army different from continental army?

The British Army during the American Revolution was better trained and better equipped, but the Continental Army's tactics were better suited for the environment, and they were more emotionally committed to the fight.

Who army is better the dutch or the American army?

U.S. Army. The U.S. Army is the best in the world. Not necessarily the largest, but certainly the best.

Is the American army better then the british army?

In some ways yes, in some ways no. The American Army certainly has more money to spend, and it does, on unnecessary equipment. The British Army is smaller but much better organized, and it tends to get a lot more bang for its buck (I mean quid).

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What south American country has no military?

NONE ---------------------- However, if you count Costa Rica as South American, then it does not have an army.

Who was favored to win Revolutionary War?

England was favored to win due to the non-existence of an American army and the training and resources of the british army.

What war against England was President George Washington Commander in Chief of the army?

American revolution