If you fly, you would not go through any countries. Over sea, it would also be possible to get from Dublin to Italy without going through any country. Overland, there are many routes you could take. Going from Dublin to Rosslare in the southeast of Ireland, you could get a ferry to France and travel from there to Italy without going through any other country, so that would be the least amount of countries it is possible to go through overland.
If you mean Venice in Italy, then while there are no scheduled services from Dublin to Venice it is possible to go there by boat. You would travel down past France, Spain and Portugal, through the Straits of Gibraltar into the Mediterranean Sea and then up the Adriatic Sea along the coast of Italy to Venice.
Cobh or Dublin would be good examples.Cobh or Dublin would be good examples.Cobh or Dublin would be good examples.Cobh or Dublin would be good examples.Cobh or Dublin would be good examples.Cobh or Dublin would be good examples.Cobh or Dublin would be good examples.Cobh or Dublin would be good examples.Cobh or Dublin would be good examples.Cobh or Dublin would be good examples.Cobh or Dublin would be good examples.
Italy's allies would be the 26 countries that are members of NATO. The members of the European Union would also be allies of Italy.
No. Ireland is an island so there are no trains from it to other countries. Flying to Rome would be fastest. You could go to Wales and go by train to England and get a train from London to Paris through the Channel Tunnel and then get a train from Paris to Rome. Paris to Rome by train takes just over 11 hours.
The EEC is now known as the European Union. Countries, not cities, are members of it. Dublin is in Ireland and Ireland is in the European Union, so on that basis you would say yes.
Dublin is the capital of Ireland, but there are places called Dublin in England, The United States of America and Australia. Many Irish people have travelled around the world over the centuries, which is why a number of other Dublins exist in other countries.
No. You would need to go through at least one other airport.
Italy, France, Austria, Germany, Lichetenstein
Glasgow has 635,000 in the city and 1.7 million metro Dublin has 554,000 in city and 1.4 million metro
From Dublin city centre it would be about 62km.
It depends which way you choose to get there and assuming in almost every case you drive your car through the Chunnel to France. The fewest countries would be 5 (UK, France, Italy, Greece, Turkey). The difficulty is finding a ferry to cross the Adriatic Sea between Italy and Greece. If you require a contiguous Continental trip, the minimal number of countries is 8, but in two different versions: (UK, France, Germany or Switzerland or Italy, Austria, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey) OR (UK, France, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Turkey)
There would be people called Talia in Dublin. You could be referring to the suburb of Dublin called Tallaght which sounds similar to Talia.There would be people called Talia in Dublin. You could be referring to the suburb of Dublin called Tallaght which sounds similar to Talia.There would be people called Talia in Dublin. You could be referring to the suburb of Dublin called Tallaght which sounds similar to Talia.There would be people called Talia in Dublin. You could be referring to the suburb of Dublin called Tallaght which sounds similar to Talia.There would be people called Talia in Dublin. You could be referring to the suburb of Dublin called Tallaght which sounds similar to Talia.There would be people called Talia in Dublin. You could be referring to the suburb of Dublin called Tallaght which sounds similar to Talia.There would be people called Talia in Dublin. You could be referring to the suburb of Dublin called Tallaght which sounds similar to Talia.There would be people called Talia in Dublin. You could be referring to the suburb of Dublin called Tallaght which sounds similar to Talia.There would be people called Talia in Dublin. You could be referring to the suburb of Dublin called Tallaght which sounds similar to Talia.There would be people called Talia in Dublin. You could be referring to the suburb of Dublin called Tallaght which sounds similar to Talia.There would be people called Talia in Dublin. You could be referring to the suburb of Dublin called Tallaght which sounds similar to Talia.