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Q: What countries rhyme with Spain?
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France and Spain are in what country?

France and Spain ARE countries.

What countries rhyme with each other?

Some country pairs that rhyme with each other are Spain and Ukraine, Angola and Dijibouti, and Suriname and Guyana.

What are the new countries created in Spain?

There are no new countries in Spain. Spain is an European country

How many counteries are in Spain?

there are no countries in Spain, Spain is a least i think there aren't any countries in Spain...

Countries in South Africa that rhyme with see?

No countries in the country of South Africa or the southern part of the continent of Africa rhyme with see.

What are the 5 largest countries of Spain?

Spain is a country. Countries do not "contain" other countries.

Did Spain discover any countries?

i don't know what countries Spain discovered

What are the spanish language countries in Spain?

Spain is a country. It doesn't have other countries in it.

What countries rhyme with hive?

There is Maldives, which would rhyme with the plural 'hives'. Other than that, there are none.

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What is the most popular country in Spain?

There are no countries in Spain - Spain is a country.