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Africa or Domingo

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Q: What countries on the west coast of Africa are located at the same latitude as Florida?
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What countries on the west coast of Africa are located at the same latitude of Florida 25 degrees 30degrees north latitude?

I will tell 2 which there are: ALGERIA and LIBYA

What country in Africa is located at 0 degrees latitude?

The country in Africa located at 0 degrees latitude is Gabon. The Equator passes through the country, making it one of the few countries in the world that is bisected by the imaginary line.

What continent is at latitude 20 e longitude 20 n?

Africa is located at latitude 20°E and longitude 20°N.

What countries are located between 15 to 30 degrees north latitude?

Some countries located between 15 to 30 degrees north latitude include Mexico, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, India, and China. These countries span different continents such as North America, Africa, Asia, and are characterized by diverse landscapes and climates due to their positioning within this latitude range.

What countries to belong Africa?

South Africa IS a country and doesn't have other countries. They are located on the continent of Africa.

Which 5 countries in Africa does the 20 degrees south line of latitude pass?

Botsuana Namíbia south Africa

Is it true the equator located north of Africa?

No, the equator is a line of latitude that is located at 0 degrees and divides the Earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. It passes through several countries in Africa.

Where are the arcyic tundras?

The arcyic tundras are located at 17 degrees latitude in africa!

What is located at 1N latitude and 39E longitude?

Isiolo County, Kenya, Africa.

In what country do the lines of 10n latitude 0 longitude cross?

The lines of 10°N latitude and 0° longitude cross in the country of Ghana, located in West Africa.

What city is located at 33s latitude and 18e longitude?

The city located at 33°S latitude and 18°E longitude is Cape Town, South Africa.

What countries is not located in Africa Argentina Algeria or Nigeria?

Argentina is not in africa