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Q: What countries occupied west Germany and west Berlin?
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What city was divided east and west by a wall?

Two major cities were split in the Cold War between east and west:Berlin -- West occupied by Democratic West Germany and East occupied by Communist East GermanyJerusalem -- West occupied by Israel and East occupied by Jordan

What was the capital of the East?

Berlin. *After World War II, Germany was partitioned and occupied. The areas occupied by the US, the UK, and France were combined in 1948 to form West Germany. The area occupied by the Soviet Union became East Germany. West Germany's capital was established in Bonn, while East Germany's capital was Berlin. The Western half of the city became the enclave known as West Berlin, which was considered part of neither Germany. East and West Germany were reunified in 1990, and by 1999 Berlin was again the seat of government.

Which European country was divided in to two countries by a wall until 1989?

Germany was divided into West Germany and East Germany (1949-1990) by the Berlin Wall. The Berlin Wall split the capital of Berlin and separated the democrats (West Germany) from the communists (East Germany). It was built by the Soviets, who occupied East Germany, to prevent East Germans from migrating to West Germany and further into Western Europe.

Were west Berlin and east Berlin different countries?

No at the End of WW2 the Russians Captured Berlin which was the capitol of Germany and under the agreement Berlin was divided up in to 4 parts Russian British French and American Zones Russian Zone was Known as East Berlin and the rest as west Berlin but it was all Inside the Russian Occupied Zone Later as only 3 Zones as the French pulled out of their occupied Territories

What two countries did the Berlin Wall separate?

AnswerIt split the city of Berlin which was divided between East and West Germany. They have now reunited as Germany.

What two countries did US occupy after world war 2?

Germany and France. The part of Germany that they occupied was eventually called West Germany, while the Russians occupied East Germany.

What two countries did the Berlin Wall seperate?

The Berlin wall separated east and west Germany which have now reunited and became Germany.

What countries were east of the Berlin wall?

West Berlin was an independent free city technically occupied by French, British, and US forces from 1949 to 1990. While it was closely affiliated with the Bundesrepublik Deutschland (BRD or West Germany), it was not a part of their government nor under their control.

Why was there a East Berlin and a West Berlin?

West Berlin was democratic, controlled by West Germany. East Berlin was Communist, controlled by the Soviets and East Germany. Just to be confusing..... East Germany was called the GDR, the German Democratic Republic. It was that in name, it was not that in actual fact !

What countries were in West Germany after world war 2?

France, Britain and the United States occupied Germany in the west after World War 2.

What was the capital of Germany during the Cold War?

The capital of East Germany from its foundation in 1949 until the country was dissolved in 1990 was Berlin.The correct name of the country was the German Democratic Republic (German: 'Deutsche Demokratische Republik' or 'DDR'). It was only the English language media who called it 'East Germany'. The DDR only included the eastern half of Berlin, West Berlin was under the control of the French, British and US Military.

Why did Stalin blockaide Berlin?

He wanted to cut off the parts occupied by the West, from the West to keep the capitalists out of East Germany, a sattelite nations. It didn't work.