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Germany used Blitzkrieg in the Second World War to make their major land grabs in the beginning of the war. This involved using aircraft, and armored units to strike quickly and overrun the enemy, followed by infantry and supply units. This worked great in countries such as France, Poland, Belgium, and the Balkans. However, this tactic met its match during the invasion of Russia, and the United Kingdom. Germany was initially successful in its invasion of Russia, making great headway in the early months. But Blitzkrieg only worked for a short period of time, and was no match for the will of the Russians. Once winter came, the Germans were bogged down by the elements and could not push ahead at the same rate. This met with the strong will of the Russians to defend their homeland, prevented Germany from succeeding. In the case of the United Kingdom, Germany's air force, the Luftwaffe, was unable to establish air superiority over the English Channel. This, combined with the strength of the Royal Navy, and its dominance over the German Navy, the Kriegsmarine, prevented Germany from launching an amphibious attack on the British Isles.

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Q: What countries couldn't Germany conquer?
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