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There are no countries in Antarctica, and Australia is a country itself.

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Q: What countries are in Australia and Antarctica?
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Why are there No countries in Australia and Antarctica?

Antarctica is governed by the Antarctic Treaty: there are no countries there, as you state. Australia is a single country.

Do Australia and Antarctica have countries?

Australia is a single country. There are no countries on the Antarctic continent.

What countries are by Antarctica?

New Zealand, Australia, Chile and Argentina are all countries closest to Antarctica.

Which country is south of Australia?

Antarctica is the continent south of Australia. There are no countries south of Australia, but New Zealand is southeast of Australia. However, since parts of Antarctica are claimed by certain countries, it is up to oneself to infer whether there are countries south of Australia.

What two continents have 1 or less countries on them?

Australia and Antarctica each contain fewer than three countries. Australia is home to only one country, which is also named Australia, while Antarctica has no countries but is inhabited by scientists from multiple nations.

How many countries are not in the Olympics?

2, Antarctica and Australia but now there is Australia

What two continents are also countries?

Australia and Antarctica. Australia is both a continent and a country, while Antarctica is a continent with no official countries but has territories claimed by several nations.

What continent has the fewest people in it?

There are no countries on Antarctica and no permanent population. Many countries have scientific research stations on Antarctica.

What 2 countries starts with the letter a?

Australia, Antarctica.

What continents have fewer than 20 countries?

Antarctica is the only continent without any countries. Australia and South America have fewer than 20 countries, with Australia having 6 countries and South America having 12 countries.

Which continent has the least countries?

Antarctica has none. Next to Antarctica, South America has the least.

What is the largest state in Antarctica?

There are no countries in Antarctica. Antarctica does not have any real countries, some countries on other continents have territory that they have laid claim to there, but there are no real countries on Antarctica, it is just a continent that is basically uninhabited other than research stations, and penguins.There are no countries in Antarctica