Rio de Janeiro is located in South America, which is the continent where Brazil is situated.
South America
Rio de Janeiro is located in South America.
Rio de Janeiro is a city in Brazil in South America.
The continent of South America is where the city Rio de Janeiro is located. It's the capital of the state of Rio de Janeiro. It's located in southeast Brazil on Guanabara Bay near the Atlantic Ocean. The geographic coordinates of Rio de Janeiro are 22 degrees 54 minutes South and 43 degrees 15 mnutes West.The (South) American continent.
south America
The Portuguese founded Rio de Janeiro
The full name for Rio de Janeiro is "Estado do Rio de Janeiro," which translates to the State of Rio de Janeiro in English.
Rio de Janeiro is not in the United States. Rio de Janeiro is located in Brazil, South America.
Latino was born on February 2, 1973, in Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Rio de Janeiro
Rio De Janeiro is in a country in Brazil.