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There were many tribes and cultures living in Mexico at the time the Spanish arrived, but the most prominent civilizations were the Aztecs in central Mexico and Mayans on the Yucatan peninsula.

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13y ago
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8y ago

Prior to the Spanish conquest, there were a number of different Native American Tribes that had states or statelets in what is now Mexico. The most prominent and powerful state was the AZTEC EMPIRE, but there were several other states including the Tarascan Empire, the Zapotecs, Metztitlan, the Mixtecs, Yopitzinco, and Xicallancas, et al.

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13y ago

the Mayan Indians

yeah buddy da Mayan Indians

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14y ago

Aztecs and Mayans did.

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Q: What civilization lived in Mexico before the Spaniards arrived?
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Was there a civilization before the Spaniards came?

Yes, there were, the Maya were the first one, then the Aztec & Inca.

Was there civilization before the coming of the Spaniards?

Yes. Maya, Aztec, and Incas to name a few.

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