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Jerusalem was the destination of the first two crusaders.

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Q: What city was the destination of the first two crusaders?
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What city was the destination of the first two crusades?

Jerusalem was the destination of the first two crusaders.

What city started the crusades?

Many cities were attackd by the crusaders. The most important two were:Jerusalem, captured by the crusaders of the First Crusade in 1099, with its entire population slaughtered, without concern whether they were Muslim or Christian.Constantinople, the capital of the Eastern Empire, which was sacked by the crusaders of the Fourth Crusade in 1204.

What is the destination city of New York?

There are actually two: New York City and Buffalo.

Did the Crusaders rule Palestine in the eleventh century?

Crusaders ruled most of Palestine during the last two or three years of the 11th century, and for some time after.

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The two states share a common border so it would depen on your NY destination and the Pennsykvania destination.

Where are the crusaders rugby team from?

There are two crusader teams. One are the rugby league side Celtic crusaders and one is the union side from Canterbury in the South Island of New Zealand.

In the first crusades why was the city of constaninpole important to the crusaders?

There were really two major reasons why Constantinople was important to the crusaders. First off, it was the capital of the Byzantine Empire, which they were theoretically trying to save from the Muslims. Next, it was the last major Christian city before before they entered Muslim territory. It was a gathering place for their armies. It was a center for logistics. But also, the fact that the Eastern Orthodox Church had just separated from the Roman Catholic Church meant that the normal protections provided Christians under the law might have been inoperable in the views of some. And this meant that some people regarded Constantinople as an object that could be fairly taken advantage of.

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ottawa, canada. great place.

What is the price of a vacation for two when the destination is Hawaii?

Rs 2

What the TWO events that sparked trade and exploration in Europe.?

The exploration of Marco Polo was one.

What were some of the effects of the crusades in Europe?

The crusaders came back with new items, ideas, math, science, and a middle class began to form. Along with the plague the society had to change and the crusaders were free men. The combination of the two pulled Europe into the Renaissance.

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Coba is a large, ruined Mayan city, centred around two lagoons, and is now a popular tourist destination today. It is located in the Mexican state of Quintana Roo.