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At one time, Annapolis was called the Paris of the Colonies. Annapolis is now the capital of the state of Maryland.

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Q: What city in the United States is called the Paris of the colonies?
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In what document did England recognize the US as a free and independent nation?

I assume by "the colonies" the question refers to the Thirteen Colonies which became the United States. The document that recognized the independence of the United States was the Treaty of Paris of 1783.

In 1783 the Treaty of Paris .?

confined the United States to territories held by the colonies before the war

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The Treaty of Paris (1783) formally ended the American Revolutionary War in which the colonies won their independence, but no document gave the United States freedom from Great Britain.

What are two things Britain agreed in the Treaty of Paris?

Two of the primary things that Britain agreed to in the Treaty of Paris were that the colonies of the United States would be free and sovereign from that point on and that the British crown relinquished all claims to its government.

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After a five minute search, a Boutique Hotel Paris in the United States was not found. There are many boutique hotels in the U.S. but none called the Boutique Hotel Paris.

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The United States of America ...

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