Madrid is the city in Spain that is closest to 40 degrees north latitude.
Castellón de la Plana, Spain.
The coordinates 40 degrees north and 0 degrees can be found in Spain. This location is near the city of Madrid, the capital of Spain, which is situated at approximately 40.4168 degrees north latitude and 3.7038 degrees west longitude. The 0 degrees longitude line, also known as the Prime Meridian, passes through Greenwich, England, but Spain is located at 0 degrees latitude.
Tarancón, Spain.
New York City is the closest city to the coordinates 40 degrees north latitude and 74 degrees west longitude.
Creighton, South Africa
40 N 5 W is the Iberian Peninsula, Toledo, Spain.
Spain's approximate coordinates are 40.4637 degrees N latitude and 3.7492 degrees W longitude.
Castellón de la Plana, Spain.