The city near the coordinates 14N 101E is Bangkok, the capital city of Thailand.
The country located at 50N and 100E coordinates is Kazakhstan.
The coordinates of that point are 14N/70W . The point itself is located in the Caribbean Sea, about 98 miles north of Aruba.
The country located at 14N 89W coordinates is Guatemala in Central America.
The coordinates 20N 100E are in a cultivated field in northern Thailand. The nearest city is Chiang Rai, Thailand.
At coordinates 50N 100E, you would find the country of Kazakhstan in central Asia. This country is located in the northern and eastern hemispheres.
The coordinates 50N and 100E represent a location in Mongolia, a landlocked country in East Asia known for its vast steppes, nomadic culture, and Gobi Desert.
The coordinates 0N 100E are in the West Pasaman province of the island of Sumatra, Indonesia.
45N and 100E is (Mongolia)
42n2 is divisible by 14n. (42n2 ÷ 14n = 3n.) Since the largest possible factor of 14n is itself, the greatest common factor is 14n.