The biggest city Mansfield is close to is Springfield, which is about an hour away.
There following states have a 'Mansfield' : Arkansas Connecticut Georgia Illinois Indiana Kansas Louisiana Massachusetts Missouri New York Ohio Pennsylvania South Dakota Texas Washington
Mansfield, Missouri, in the town cemetery
Marian Mansfield was born on March 15, 1905, in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.
Mansfield, Missouri, in the town cemetery
Several cities are close to the Missouri River in the state of Missouri.A short list includesSt. CharlesWashingtonHermannBoonvilleGlasgowKansas CitySt. Joseph
Laura Ingalls Wilder is buried in Mansfield, Missouri, at the Mansfield Cemetery alongside her husband, Almanzo Wilder.
Laura Ingalls Wilder is buried in the Mansfield Cemetery along with Almanzo and Rose Wilder.
mansfield, missouri, USA
The shortest distance is 330 miles.
Laura Ingalls Wilder lived in Mansfield, Missouri for much of her life. This is where she wrote the "Little House on the Prairie" series.
Almanzo and Laura Wilder are buried near each other in the Mansfield Cemetery in Mansfield, Missouri. Laura's daughter, Rose Wilder Lane, is also buried nearby, alongside her husband.
At her two houses on Rocky Ridge Farm in Mansfield, Missouri.