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The kids in villages have alot of chores, such as : Boys

Work in the fields


Do household chores such as, cooking, washing dishes and clothes


Go to the town and sell crops with their parents

The city kids have easy chores such as going to the grocery to buy things or washing dish(es). The life of a city child is very different from a life of a city child

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13y ago

cleaning up dog muck in the streets and taming animals,sometimes they work at shops and go in old peoples homes bringing them coffe and eptying bins but they mostly they cook the dinner, changing babys nappys and dont forget they somtimes have to help the needey by givin there pocket money away.

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Are chores bad for kids?

Doing chores is not bad for kids. However, many kids would rathrer do most anything other than their chores.

Why are chores bad for kids?

Doing chores is not bad for kids. However, many kids would rathrer do most anything other than their chores.

Why shouldn't kids do chores?

Kids shouldn't do chores cause tey get into huge fights with there parents!

Should you make your kids do chores on vacation?

If your kids are home on summer vacation than yes they should still do their chores. If your family is away on vacation, your kids deserve a break from chores.

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Most kids in Ireland do not live on farms. Of those that do, they would have chores on the farm.

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Are the Jonas Brothers like other kids?

yes, they play sports and even do chores like other kids. yes, they play sports and even do chores like other kids.

What chores are for kids in santa Barbara?

Kids in Santa Barbara have about the same chores as kids in every other part of the world. This is considering that they don't have chores to do outside the home. If this is the case, then it would be maintaining the home and surroundings due to how Santa Barbara is very warm and sunny.

What did the kids in the Maryland colony learn?

they learned how to do there chores

Why do chores exist?

For kids who aren't responsible enough.