While Spanish colonial era from Spaniards.
It is a spanish speaking country. It was settled by Spain during the colonial era and remains spanish speaking today. == ==
History of public administration from pre-colonial era to post colonial era in Nigeria
Criollo are people born in Spanish American colonies of European descent. The term was used in the colonial era.
it was defined as a time when local time was made to conform to rules made outside of Texas
it defines a time for study of both geographic causes and historical effects on texas history.
encomienda system was used throughout the colonial era
Some notable Filipino writers during the Spanish colonial era include Jose Rizal, Graciano Lopez Jaena, and Marcelo H. del Pilar. They used their writings to advocate for social reforms, criticize Spanish colonial rule, and promote Filipino nationalism. Their works played a significant role in inspiring the Philippine Revolution against Spanish colonization.
The mission building era was a very busy and vilolent time because everyone wanted money, land, and power.
Indian slavery was made illegal during the colonial era.
the era was 1607- 1775.
Fort Mose