Yes, Utica, NY has an elevation of about 456 feet above sea level.
From Watertown, NY to Utica, NY is 116 miles; 2 hours driving time.
198 miles
Rochester NY is approximately 115 miles northwest of Utica NY. The driving distance between the two cities is about 2 hours.
The address of the Utica Zoological Society is: 99 Steele Hill Road, Utica, NY 13501
The distance between Utica, NY, and Albany, NY, is 95 miles and will take approximately 1 Hour 36 Minutes of driving time.
Utica, NY
(43.100903, -75.232664)
Utica, NY
It is 67.78 miles according to MapQuest.
channel ABC is on channel 12
The farm team at this time was the Utica Devils. They played at the Utica Auditorium in Utica,NY.