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Because in the back seat you may not see where you are going and in the front you can so you may get motion sickness by not looking where you are going.

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Q: What causes some people to get motion sickness while riding in the back seat of a vehicle but not the front?
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Why do we throw up on rollercoasters?

It is called motion sickness and happens when the organs of balance (in the middle ear) are over stimulated (by motion) and or the sensory input form the eyes and the organs of balance are confused ( that happen when you try and read in a moving vehicle - it makes things worse).

What do we call the disorder many people feel when they travel by boat?

sea sickness/motion sickness

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Some people that get on a bus get motion sickness. Some people are fine while riding.

Why did people not like the idea of air travel?

Some people are just afraid or they get motion sickness.

Is there a genetic basis for motion sickness?

Yes, there is a genetic component to motion sickness. Research has shown that variations in certain genes involved in the functioning of the vestibular system, which helps with balance and spatial orientation, can contribute to an individual's susceptibility to motion sickness. Additionally, genetics can influence an individual's sensitivity to sensory stimuli and their ability to adapt to motion.

How long can motion sickness last?

Motion sickness symptoms usually fade away shortly after the motion stops. However, some people may continue to feel symptoms for a few hours after the motion has stopped, while others may feel symptoms for several days. If symptoms persist, it's best to seek medical advice.

Is it fun to float in space?

It can be, but some people experience a form of motion sickness and get quite ill.

Does traveling cause you to vomit why?

Beacause its not humanly possible to travel as fast as a car so some people get queezy (alternative answer) Travel can cause motion sickness. This results from the difficulty your brain has in combining what you see, which is the interior of your vehicle, with the motion that is perceived by your inner ear, resulting from tilting of the body.

Motion Sickness Can Ruin a Vacation?

Many people suffer from different forms of motion sickness. Most of them get sick while on a boat or a ship. The rolling to and fro motion upsets the equilibrium of the inner ear and causes nausea, vomiting, sweating and even dizziness. This feeling won’t go away until the motion is over. Unfortunately, on a ship, it may not be over until the person gets on dry land. There are also those who get motion sickness while simply riding in a car, bus or any other vehicle. The motion of a plane can also bring on sickness in some people. This motion sickness can spoil a vacation and can even keep people from taking a vacation. But there are ways to prevent this from happening. One very well-known and popular way are the medications for motion sickness. These can be purchased over the counter at any drug store and can be very effective in preventing the sickness. However, these medicines usually only work for short trips or for those who only suffer with a mild form of motion sickness. If a cruise, car or plane trip is coming up in the future, the physician can prescribe a stronger medication to avoid a more severe motion sickness. One of the medications is a patch. The medicine in the patch is scopolamine that is more effective in preventing motion sickness. This patch is a small disc that is applied to the area behind the ear. One disc will last for three days and then a new one is needed. However, this medicine can come with side effects. The most common side effect is drowsiness. Other side effects may include dry mouth, blurred vision and dilation of pupils. There are more natural ways to avoid motion sickness without using a medication. Before taking a trip it would be smart to avoid alcohol, heavy and spicy foods or anything that doesn’t agree with you. On a car trip sit in the front seat. If possible, get a seat in the center of an airplane. On a cruise, get a cabin near the middle of the ship in the lower level. Avoid reading while in motion. If a medication is needed, be sure to discuss any problems that may occur with your physician.

Why to people get sick on rides?

It's usually motion sickness or vertigo since the inner ear controls balance

Why are people travel sick?

Motion sickness is caused by a conflict in what you sea with your eyes and your sense of balance (from the inner ears).

What is the cause of sleeping sickness and how do people become infected by the disease?

testee fly causes it if you are bitten from it