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There has been an ongoing dispute between Arabs and Jews in Israel from as early as 1921 (and to some degree even beforehand).

In 1967 Israel won the six-day war, and decided to control the Gaza Strip, and the West Bank, and since then Palestinian wanted autonomy.

In the following years (80's mainly), Israel has built settlements in the West Bank and Gaza strip, and, due to attacks on it, was very tough security wise.

Also, Israel has had a war with Lebanese organizations and has seized some land in the south of Lebanon, Israel remained in Lebanon from 1982 up to 2000.

On December 8, 1987 an Israeli trucker had an accident with 4 Palestinian killed.

The Palestinian (especially in the Jabaliya camp located in Gaza), thought this to be a

payback for an incident where an Israeli was stabbed, and started rioting.

This is the first intifada of course.

There was also a second one.

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11y ago

The First intifada in Palestine was a revolt of Palestinians against the occupying Israelis. The trigger was a car crashwherein four Palestinians were killed when their car was hit by an Israeli Army truck. Rumors quickly spread that the hit was intentional, and chaos ensued.

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