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Its decline began in 431 BCE when it began the destructive war with the Peloponnesian League, in which it was defeated after 27 years, lost half its population, and was stripped of the empire which it used to finance its building and cultural spending.

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11y ago
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11y ago

The Golden age of Athens was a time of philosophy and art even drama its flourished in Athen and democracy reached its highest point.Socrates Plato and Aristotle were three very important philosophers. Socrates had a lasting effect on modern learning and thinking. But Sorates frightened and angered Athenians. In 399 B.C aristotle was sent to trial and was forced to drink a cup of hemlock which is poison and died. Scorates was comes from the writings of Plato one of his students after Socrates died it caused Plato to mistrust democracy.In The Republic Plato wrote that society should be made up of three groups: workers,soldiers and philosophers.Plato founded a school and called it the Academy where he taught a student named Aristotle.Aristotle believed that reasons should guide the pursuit of knowledge. He later founded his own school, The Lyceum

Hope that helped!

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11y ago

There were several reasons that the golden age had ended. one being with the fall of polis'

"man is a political animal" they would operate as one big machine. another being their lust for war and violence. wars and conquering other land had taken up so much time they rarely had time to focus on the things that made them into the golden age. i.e.

their art and culture. i hope this helps. ~marisa


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7y ago

Athens built its Golden Age on the money it mulcted from its empire, which it created out of the Delian League it had led against the Persians, but converted into an empire after the war was over. After less than 50 years it was defeated by the peloponnesian League led by Sparta and stripped of the empire and became a second rate power without the lavish resource which had made it golden.

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13y ago

The golden age of Athens was when they were most powerful.

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12y ago

The Pelononnrsian War ended the Golden Age of Athens

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