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mannn this is hard iam doing the note cards forr mr. Norman and it ks kinda hard ahah are you doing it tooo its ahrd

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Q: What caused immigrants from Europe to migrate to the US in the 1920s?
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How did laws towards immigration change in the 1920s what caused this change and how did it affect the US?

The U.S. issued The Emergency Quota Act of 1921 which limited the total number of immigrants allowed into the country. It also favored immigrants from western Europe. So the change was that instead of all immigrants coming in at once, it was limited. This affected the U.S. because, simply, it caused a dramatic drop in immigration to the U.S.

The quota system established for immigration in the 1920s was based partly on the idea?

Immigrants from northern and western Europe were "superior" to those from southern and Eastern Europe

Immigration legislation of the 1920s was designed to reduce the number of immigrants from most parts of the world except?

northern and western Europe

The Red Scare of the 1920s was caused primarily by?

The Red Scare was primarily caused by a fear of communists, socialists, anarchists, immigrants, and radical labor groups that were developing in industrialized nations at this time.

Why did immigrants in the 1920s immigrate?

there are many reasons why people could have immigrated in the 1920s. it was probably because the economy in the USA was very good, but the economy wasn't very good in Europe. Alone with that answer, some immigrants (such as the Irish) came to the U.S. because of famines, or because of religious persecution.

Did immigrants have tests to become a citizen in 1920s?


When did the KKK come to Canada and what happened?

The Ku Klux Klan came to Canada in the early 1920s. The KKK attacked many immigrants that were from Eastern Europe and Catholics.

Why was there a rise in racism and nativism in the 1920's?

The rise of nativism in the 1920s was caused mainly by immigration. the massive influx of "new" immigrants scared most of the population. then after WWI Americans were even more afraid that immigrants from war torn Europe would leave to start new lives in America. they did not want the immigrants to take their jobs. but so many new jobs were being made available in this time period that it was innevitable.

Why were new immigration laws passed in 1920s?

The new immigration laws passed in the 1920s, such as the Emergency Quota Act of 1921 and the Immigration Act of 1924 (National Origins Act), were implemented to restrict and limit the number of immigrants entering the United States. These laws were largely driven by nativist sentiments, economic concerns, and fears of losing traditional American values due to the influx of immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe. The laws favored immigrants from Northern and Western Europe while severely limiting immigration from other regions.

What did the Ku Klux Klan focus its attention on in the 1920s?

Immigrants and religion

What describes immigrants in the 1920s who were known as braceros?

They were farm workers from Mexico.

Why did the period of largely unregulated immigrants come to an end in the 1920s?

they past laws