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the war was started when a plane was shot down.the president of Rwanda and the president of burundi were in that plane.....the president of rwanda was the guy who kept order there.rwanda is the state the hutus and tutsis occupy. so when there was no one in control the tutsis took over and ran the state for awhile.and the hutus didnt like it is basically a war for control over the state.

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12y ago

The Belgians separated the Hutu and Tutsi because they needed someone to be in charge and they chose the lighter skinned, tall, thin-nosed people whom they called Tutsi to do it.

Ever since then the Hutu (not all of them of course) have resented the Tutsi. When the Belgians left the country the majority which were Hutu took over the government and exiled the Tutsi. The Tutsi then started a rebel group. The Hutu and Tutsi slaughtered and raped each other but the Hutu wanted to get rid of ALL Tutsi and killed to the extent of genocide.

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12y ago

Because when Belgium took over Rwanda they put the Tutsi in charge making them government officials and other good jobs while the Hutu were poor with nothing to eat, but when Belgium left they put the Hutus in power and the Hutu's decide to take revenge on the Tutsi

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14y ago

The hutus were angry about the fact that the tutsis got better pay and healthcare ect. A while later the president of rwanda was killed when his plane was shot down. the hutus blamed the tutsis and three minutes later the hutu radio announced cut down the tall trees. (Kill all tutsi )

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Q: What caused ethnic conflict between the Hutu's and the Tutsi's?
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What ethnic group originally controlled Rwanda and Burundi?

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The conflict between hutu and tutsi?

The Difference between the Hutus and the Tutsis was based on European Imperialism. Rwanda was originally occupied by the Germans and then later the Belgians. The Europeans thought that the Tutsis were ethnically superior then the Hutus because of the fact that the Tutsis had lighter skin. This resulted in preferential treatment for Tutsis. The Hutus resented this special treatment. The Europeans made Hutus and Tutsis have identity cards with their race printed prominently on the pass. This was how the Hutus identified Tutsis during the genocide. In short the Hutus resentment of the Tutsis were caused by the Europeans that colonized Rwanda and their pseudo science. Also note that the Tutsis were the minority population but got more rights because of the color of their skin

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The assassination of Rwandan president Juvenal Habyarimana in 1994 caused massive conflict between the Tutsi and Hutu ethnic groups. This conflict became the Rwandan genocide, which killed up to a million people in just 100 days.

What two groups have fought in Rwanda and Burundi?

A. xhoxa, Yoruba or b, Muslims, Christians or C, Flemish, Walloons or D) Huntus, Tutsis or E) Rwandians, Burundians

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