tak surname belongs to caste kalal who are in the profession of selling liqar.they come under obc.
scheduled caste
Yes, Sood surname is considered to be a General category surname and not part of the Scheduled Caste category.
"Kumar" is a common surname in India and can belong to individuals from various caste backgrounds. It is not accurate to assume someone's caste based solely on their surname. Caste is a complex social structure in India with many interrelated factors.
no udeniya is sandhya brahmin which come in general category.
Usually people with the surname Gupta doesn't come under SC. However, it is very difficult to say all of them are not SC, because any person from any caste can keep any surname.
Generally giri, puri, sagar, bharti are use to come under sirname goswami.
The Rathod surname is commonly associated with the Rajput community in Rajasthan, not specifically with the Scheduled Caste Koli community. Rajputs are considered an upper caste in the traditional caste system of India.