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Top 10 corporation of Mexico are:

  1. Pemex (oil)
  2. America Movil (telecom)
  3. Walmart de Mexico (retail)
  4. Comision Federal de Electricidad (electricity, utilities)
  5. Cemex (cement)
  6. Fomento Economico Mexicano (food & beverages)
  7. General Motors de Mexico (motor vehicles)
  8. Grupo Alfa (chemicals)
  9. BBVA Bancomer (banking & finance)
  10. Ford Motor Company(motor vehicles)
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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

I guess you mean the largest in terms of sales made. Following are the 10 largest private businesses in Mexico:

  1. America Movil (Telecomm)
  2. Wal-Mart de Mexico (Retail)
  3. Cemex (Cement)
  4. Carso Global Telecom (Telecomm)
  5. Fomento Economico Mexicano - FEMSA (Drinks and beverages)
  6. Grupo Financiero BBVA-Bancomer (Finance)
  7. Telcel (Telecomm)
  8. Telefonos de Mexico (Telecomm)
  9. General Motors de Mexico (Vehicles and parts)
  10. Grupo ALFA (Chemicals)
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βˆ™ 11y ago

Trade and services, contributing with 60.7% of Mexico's GDP qualify as such.

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