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Berber traders introduced written language (arabic) and brought Islam to west Africa.

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Q: What brought the Arabic language to West Africa?
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How did the Arabic language first get to west Africa?

The Arabic language first arrived in West Africa through trade routes and the spread of Islam. Traders and scholars introduced Arabic to the region, and it became a language of business, education, and religious practice. Over time, Arabic influenced many local languages in West Africa.

What was the only written language in West Africa?

ArAbIc LaUnGuAgE

What became the main language of government trade and Islamic relationship in west Africa?

Arabic was the main language of government, trade, and Islamic scholarship in west africa

What did the trans-Saharan caravans bring to Ghana other than trade goods?

Berber traders introduced written language (Arabic) and brought Islam to West Africa. This answer is brought from a direct source and is true. This is what trans-Saharan caravans brought to Ghana other than trade goods.

What became the main language of government trade in Islamic scholarship in West Africa?


What became the main language of government trade and Islamic scholarships in west Africa?


What helped spread the Arabic language in west Africa?

The spread of Islam played a significant role in the spread of the Arabic language in West Africa. The establishment of Islamic schools and trading networks facilitated the adoption of Arabic as a language of religion, education, and trade. Additionally, the influence of Arabic scholarship and literature contributed to its widespread use in the region.

Did Arabic replace the Native language West Africans?

Arabic did not replace the native languages of West Africans. While Arabic language and culture did spread through trade and Islamic influences in some regions, indigenous languages continue to be widely spoken across West Africa.

What became the main language of government trade and scholarship in West Africa?


What did trans Saharan caravans bring to Ghana other than trade goods?

Berber traders introduced written language (Arabic) and brought Islam to West Africa. This answer is brought from a direct source and is true. This is what trans-Saharan caravans brought to Ghana other than trade goods.

What did trans-Saharan caravans. Bring to Ghana other than trade goods?

Berber traders introduced written language (Arabic) and brought Islam to West Africa. This answer is brought from a direct source and is true. This is what trans-Saharan caravans brought to Ghana other than trade goods.