How old should a bull terrier be when they get erect ears?
Originally EBT ears were floppy and in the Victorian era and just before, they were cropped to give them the pointed look, partly for appearance and partly because the breed was used for bull baiting and dog fighting. Since ear cropping has been banned, the erect ear was bred into the breed. The ears start off floppy and folded at the tip when still a pup, but gradually, as the pup matures, the blood vessels in the eras stiffen, allowing them to stand erect. The ears are mostly 'relaxed' erect. If an EBT sees or hears something of interest,he becomes alert and the ears stand completely erect. When the ears bend round the back of the head, the EBT is most probably unsure/wary.You can get EBT's whose ears do not become erect during puppyhood and stay floppy during adulthood. However, this is considered to be a 'fault'.