Dust in the Wind
coffeysville kansas
Wickita is the largest city in Kansas (U.S.)
According to experts, the biggest spending item in Illinois is in education where the state has spent $38.3 billion. The second largest item was transportation where $12.3 billion has been spent.
Kansas City Royals
A carat is a measurement of weight. The biggest carat, then, would be the weight of the biggest item being weighed using carats.
It is a middle sized state.
Put the first item in the data set into an empty memory location called, say, 'biggest'. Now compare the second and subsequent items in the data set with 'biggest'. If the item is larger than 'biggest' then put the value of the item in 'biggest', otherwise do nothing. By the time you have finished looking through the data set you will find that 'biggest' contains the greatest value in the data set.
Wichita with 354,865 people.
You name it he took it. The smallest item to the biggest ship.