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Europeans attempted to westernize many of their children


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Berta Yundt

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2y ago
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10y ago

European colonisation of Australia did not benefit the Australian continent and its indigenous inhabitants in any way, but it certainly had positive effects for Great Britain. Colonisation expand ped the British empire, and prevented the French from gaining a foothold in the Australian continent or in the southwest Pacific. It also solved the problem of Britain's overcrowded prisons (a consequence of the Industrial Revolution) by establishing a new penal colony in a land which showed promise for eventually becoming self-supporting. Britain had been sending their excess prisoners to North America, but the American War of Independence put a stop to the practice. Following this, the English were no longer able to transport surplus prisoners who couldn't legally be executed to North America.

At the time of colonisation, due to war, Britain needed to find an alternative supply of Flax and timber as her Baltic supply was under threat. It was believed that nearby Norfolk Island would provide this. In addition, Britain needed a port in the East to promote trade with China and to extend its naval and commercial power. Quite simply, the continent had Natural Resources which England wanted.

There were a great many negative effects of British colonisation in Australia. One of the major impacts of the British was that they dispossessed the indigenous Australians of their land. The Aborigines were pushed back from their fertile lands along the coast, into the deserts, and in Tasmania they were exterminated entirely. With loss of land came loss of hunting grounds and fewer food sources.

Disease was a major problem. Aborigines had no resistance to British diseases, from measles to the 'flu. Thousands of Aborigines died when epidemics of these diseases swept through their camps. The British also introduced venereal diseases when they took the aboriginal women for their own use.

Loss of culture resulted from the British taking over. No longer were the Aborigines free to live as they had lived for centuries. The British ripped families apart, took children away from their families, and forced them to adapt to white culture. Stories of the aboriginal Dreamtime were lost, as was their heritage.

There were also massacres of aboriginal people, usually with very little provocation. Australian history sadly abounds with stories of landowners, settlers and squatters organising the slaughter of groups of Aborigines, often women, children and even older men.

European colonisation also meant the introduction of non-native flora and fauna. introduced species have had a massive effect of Australian native plants and animals, and have resulted in extinction of more species in Australia in the last 200 years than has been seen in any other continent.

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10y ago

Many scholars believe aboriginal people suffered greatly because of the Europeans. While the Europeans may have brought "modernity" to the countries they explored, they also brought diseases, and they also fought with and then subjugated the native people. There certainly are advantages to becoming more modern, and western ideas about medicine and education were undoubtedly beneficial. But sadly, to get these benefits, aboriginals were forced to convert to Christianity and denied the right to speak their own language or maintain their own culture.

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13y ago

There were no positive effects.

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