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He was over thrown

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Q: What became of this Czar and his family during or after the Revolution?
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What happen to the Russian czar at the end of world war 1?

He was killed by the Bolsheviks during the Bolshevik revolution. His Family was also killed. Also they are the Tsar s not czar.

Which czar was forced to abdicate during the Russian revolution?

Czar Nicholas II

What Czar was killed during the Russian Revolution?

Czar Nicholas II Romanov was the Czar who was killed several months after the October Revolution. The murder took place during the Russian Civil War.

Who was in charge of Russia before the revolution?

Czar Nicholas II and his family

What was the significance of White Russians during the Russian Revolution?

They were the army of the Czar. (The King).

Which political groups replaced the czar's monarchy during the Russian Revolution?


Who was the Czar of Russia who was overthrown during the revolution?

Tsar Nicholas Romanov II was the Tsar who was overthrown by the Russian Revolution.

What was the role of England during Russian revolution?

England had quite the impact on a revolution that took place quite a distance from their borders. England's role in the Russian revolution was family based. The English King George was cousins with the Russian Czar Nicholas II.

Who was the last czar of Russia before the Communists took over?

Nicholas Romanov II was Czar before the Russian Revolution.

What countries were fighting in the Russian Revolution?

well it was a revolution, which suggests internal struggle. so the only country fighting in the Russian revolution was russia. there were the white army which was in favor of the czar and the reds which wanted communism....the reds won and the czar and his entire family were killed.

What group seized Russia?

The Bolsheviks seized Russia during the revolution against the ruling Czar.

Who was the czar of russia at the time of the revolution?

Czar Nicholas II Romanov was Czar at the time of the Russian Revolutions in 1917. He abdicated the throne after the February Revolution and was out of the picture entirely by the October Revolution of 1917.