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Panda bears,the bile bear and the aisian black bear

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Q: What bears live in china?
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Were does panda bears live?

panada bears live in china da you idiots

Where are panda bears live on map?

They live on the south of AfricaThey live on China

Are there sun bears in China?

There is one tiny spot in southeastern China where sun bears live, right on the border of Vietnam. There is a larger area surrounding that where sun bears may live, but scientists do not know for sure. Most sun bears live in Southeast Asia.

What is the koala bears habitat is it in Africa or china?

Koalas are not bears, and they do not live in either Africa or China. The koala's habitat is eastern Australia.

Where does a bear?

Bears live mostly in temperate forests. Polar bears live in the Arctic, and giant pandas live in mountain regions of China.

What country does panda live in?

Panda Bears live in China (Top of Yangtze Basin)

In what cities or towns do panda bears live?

Pandas do not live in cities or towns. They live in a small area of bamboo forests in central China.

Do bears live in China?

No. They are found further north, closer to the Arctic.

Do polar bears live in China?

No. They are found further north, closer to the Arctic.

Where do black and white panda bears live?

they live in Asia i am pretty sure that they lie in china mainly

Do polar bears live in the taiga?

No, pandas live in temperate bamboo forests of central China.

What are the different types of bears in China?

Giant Pandas can be found central mountain areas in China. The Asiatic Black Bears live in eastern Asia (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Camboida, China, India, Iran).