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gold,land,and horses

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Q: What award did mansa musa give his military heroes?
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EVERYDAY! They put their lives at risk so we can live the way we want to. They give up so much to make our country a free country. They fight everyday. We should take the time to think about how many have died so that we can live free. Anytime is the right time to honor our military heroes. Because freedom is not, and never will be, free.

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The highest award for valor that the president can give to a civilian is the Presidential Medal of Freedom. It is awarded to individuals who have made significant contributions to the security or national interests of the United States, to world peace, or to cultural or other significant public or private endeavors.

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Why did mansa musa give people gold?

Mansa Musa Gave people gold because, as an Islam himself, he felt he could deem himself worthy by giving away large masses of gold, he also had no need of gold in Mali, where he ruled. Because of the great abundance of it in the area. My History teacher had told me this aswell, just to re-inforce the fact that he gave away so much. It is said that Mansa Musa had always brought 'tons' of gold with him where ever he when, and that he would give away the gold he brought with him. On one of his journeys it is said that he had given away so much that on his way back to Mali, he had none left. And that he could have 'perished' without the help of strangers along the way back to his kingdom.