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The Indus and the Ganges Rivers

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Q: What are two important rivers that start in the himalaya mountains?
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Where does the indus valley river start?

The Indus begins in the Himalaya Mountains. They Had Lots Of Achievements

What rivers start in the kunlun mountains?

The major rivers that start in the Kunlun Mountains are the Yangtze River and the Yellow River in China. These two rivers are vital for irrigation, transportation, and agriculture in the region.

How did rivers and mountains start?

They started by the leftover glaciers on land.

Where do rivers starts?

They might start from a lake, and ocean

Where do the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers starts?

They start in the Northeastern Mountains of Turkey.

Do all rivers originate from mountains or do they flow from the ocean inland?

All rivers start in the high country and end in the Ocean.

Do all rivers start at the top of a mountaintop?

NO. There are many rivers that begin in countries that have no mountains. Rivers ofter start from a spring that feeds a creek that then joins with other creeks or streams to become a river.

Where do the Tigris and Euphrates rivers start and end?

The Tigris and Euphrates rivers flow from the mountains of present day Turkey into the Persian Gulf.

In which US mountain range does the Colorado River start?

yes all rivers start from their source ontop of a mountain. yes all rivers start from their source ontop of a mountain. by Kane

Where do rivers begin mountains oceans lakes?

they begin usually in the mountains from snow melt, but sometimes their origins are in underground springs. All rivers go to the ocean but never come from the ocean. As for lakes, how do you think the water got there? probably snow melt from a nearby mountain.

Where does most rivers start?

Usually at the top of mountains, they start off as streams. Then the streams join together and get bigger, wider, and eventually they turn into rivers.

Why did almost all of Asia's rivers start in the Himalayas?

The Himalayas are home to some of the tallest mountains in the world.