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Iraqis are Arabs and speak Arabic. Iranians are Persians and speak Farsi.

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Q: What are two cultural differences between Iran and Iraq?
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What are the ethnic differences that contribute to conflicts between Iran and Iraq?

Some cultural practices have been known to cause a rift between the two countries. There are also certain religious beliefs that may differ and thus cause disagreements.

Who fought 8 years with Iraq?

Iran. The Iran-Iraq War, waged between Iran and Iraq began in 1980 and only ended in 1988.

Does Iran lie between Iraq and Afghanistan?

Yes. Iran lies between Iraq and Afghanistan.

What country is between Iran and Iraq?

Iran is the country that lies between Iraq & Afghanistan. Iran's historical name was Persia, though it did not have today's borders since those were defined in the 18th and 19th centuries.

What is the name of the Middle Eastern country that lies between Iraq and Iran?

There is no country that separates Iraq and Iran.

Is Iran located between Iraq and Afghanistan?

Yes. Iraq is west of central Iran, and Afghanistan is east of central Iran. Countries in a left-to-right row are Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.

What country lies between Iraq and Iran?

There is no such country. Iran and Iraq share a border along the Zagros Mountains.

What cultural icons were important to the First Persian Gulf War?

Saddam led Iraq and the Ayatollah Khomeini led Iran during the Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988).

Which country lies between iraq and Pakistan?

Iran is the country that lies between Iraq & Pakistan. Iran's historical name was Persia, though it did not have today's borders as those were defined in the 18th and 19th centuries.

What territory was disputed between Iran and Iraq?

The Shatt al-Arab and its Iranian counterpart known as Khuzestan were the main pieces of land disputed between Iran and Iraq.

The 1980-1988 war in the Persian Gulf was fought between?

The war in the Persian Gulf that was fought from 1980 to 1988 was between Iran and Iraq.Iran and Iraq

Is Iran the Middle Eastern country that lies between Iraq and Afghanistan?

Yes. Iran is the middle eastern country that lies between Iraq and Afghanistan.