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Q: What are three bullet points about the Virginia plan?
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What is Virginia plan about?

The Virginia Plan called for a strong national government set up into three branches, legislative, executive, and judicial. The first general plan for the Constitution offered in Philadelphia. Its key points were a bicameral legislature, and an executive and a judiciary chosen by the national legislature.

What plan proposed a central government with three branches?

The Virginia Plan

What plan would there be three branches of government who presented this plan?

The governor of Virginia

What is the plan proposed new strong central government with three branches?

The Virginia Plan

Which plan proposed a new strong central government with three branches?

The Virginia Plan

How many branches did the Virginia plan call for?

The branches of the Virginia plan were the Executive branch and the Judicial branch

Which three branches were in Virginia plan?

The Executive , Legislatuve and Judicial branches.

What wasn't part of Virginia plan?

A central government with three branches

Did John Rutledge support the Virginia Plan?

Yes he did, despite the fact that his state was a small state (population wise) and that the Virginia plan gave more power to the larger states. He supported the Virginia plan before the Three fifths compromise

What plan did we go with the Virginia or New Jersey?

james madison for the virginia plan and william patterson for the new jersey plan

What are the three plans presented in the constitutional convention of 1787?

The New Jersey Plan, The Virginia Plan, and the Great Compromise! :)

Which of the following plans called for the creation of three branches of government?

Virginia Plan