medeterrian sea
The two major deserts in Africa are the Sahara and the Kalahari.
You'll find there are more than two....... Are you including the Red sea and the Mediteranian? Incidentally, a "cape" is the point on land where two seas meet.
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Well the Jordan River was the major river and the Sea of Galilee with the Dead Sea were the two inland seas.
The Appalachian Mountains and the Atlantic Coastal Plain are the two major landforms shared by the northeast and the southeast regions of the United States.
Well the Mediterranean Sea is the only sea Near Africa. That is in the North but either side of Africa there are two Oceans, the Atlantic in the West and the Indian Ocean in the East.
Turkeys has two straits: The Bosporus, connecting the Black Sea to the Marmara Seas, and the Dardanelles, linking the Marmara and Aegean Seas.
Two bodies of water border West Africa and two are located in it. The Indian and Atlantic ocean are located around it. The Mediterranean Sea and Nile River are inside of the whole continent. The Atlantic and Indian Oceans, And the Mediterranean and Red Seas. miguel angel y angie vargas
Christianity and Islam
The Namib and Kalahari are the two major deserts in southern Africa.
One of the major exports of South Africa is gold. They also export chromium and platinum