The zip codes for Bowlingbrook, IL are: * 60440 * 60490
Michael Todd Terrace Apartments, Glenview IL
The address of the Glenview Historical Society is: 1121 Waukegan Rd, Glenview, IL 60025-3036
Apparently, Homewood, IL has 2 zip codes: 60422 & 60430.
The address of the Naval Air Station Glenview Musuem is: 2040 Lehigh Ave, Glenview, IL 60026-1619
60202 is not a Chicago zip code. It is one of the zip codes for Evanston, IL.
There isn't one. ZIP +4 codes, the 9 digit ones, are for specific small areas (typically a block, a group of apartments, or even an individual high-volume receiver of mail), not something the size of a city. Rockford IL has several 5 digit ZIP codes, and each of these has many ZIP+4 codes within it.
You will need to provide a specific address. A five-digit ZIP code typically contains hundreds or thousands of ZIP+4 codes, as that is the whole point of ZIP+4 codes.
The distance from Glenview, IL to Boulder, CO is about 1,022 miles by car.
In order to find a zip code you need the address, city and state. Each city will have number of zip codes. Below are all the Zip Codes for Chicago Illinois.60290606016060260603606046060560606606076060860609606106061160612606136061460615606166061760618606196062060621606226062360624
The zip code for S. Kenwood Ave., Chicago, IL is 60615
Rockford IL possible zip codes. * ZIP Code 61101 * ZIP Code 61102 * ZIP Code 61103 * ZIP Code 61104 * ZIP Code 61105 * ZIP Code 61106 * ZIP Code 61107 * ZIP Code 61108 * ZIP Code 61109 * ZIP Code 61110 * ZIP Code 61112 * ZIP Code 61114 * ZIP Code 61125 * ZIP Code 61126