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The only thing that concerned Santiago's flock of sheep were food and water. His sheep had completely forgotten how to rely on their own instincts. They are always depending on Santiago because he leads them to nourishment.

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Q: What are the weaknesses that Santiago sees in his flock of sheep?
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What are weaknesses that Santiago sees in his flock of sheep and how do they relate to the weaknesses of human beings who fail to pursue their personal legends?


What are the weaknesses that Santiago sees in his flock of sheep and how do they relate to the weaknesses of human beings who fail to pursue their Personal Legends?

Santiago notices that his sheep lack ambition and live in a repetitive cycle without seeking new experiences or challenges. This relates to the weaknesses of humans who fail to pursue their Personal Legends by settling for a mundane and comfortable life, afraid to step out of their comfort zone or take risks to fulfill their dreams. Both the sheep and these individuals miss out on growth, fulfillment, and the discovery of their true potential.

In alchemist what are the weakness that Santiagos sees in his flock of sheep and how do they relate to the weakness of human beings who fail to pursue their personal legends?

Santiago notices that his flock of sheep lacks the desire to explore beyond their routine and settle for the comfort of familiarity. This reflects the weakness in humans who may fear stepping out of their comfort zones, pursuing their dreams, and taking risks to achieve their personal legend. Both the flock and humans may miss out on opportunities for growth and self-discovery due to a reluctance to embrace the unknown.

Why does Santiago identify himself with joe dimaggio in The Old Man and the Sea?

Santiago admires Joe DiMaggio for his skill, perseverance, and ability to overcome great challenges in baseball, just as Santiago sees himself in his own struggle against the marlin in the sea. Santiago finds motivation and strength in DiMaggio's example during his own difficult journey at sea.

Why do birds fly in groups?

Birds travel in flocks for protection. They flock to avoid predators. More eyes watching means it's harder for a cat or a hawk to catch the birds off guard. And they flock to find food. Again, more eyes makes it easier to search. Also, the flock can form around the food. One bird sees the food, a second bird sees the first one eating, and joins in, then a third bird sees the first two, etc.

How do you get sheep to like you in minecraft pe 0.5.0 alpha?

Sheep are lured and bred with by wheat. By holding wheat you can get sheep to follow you, and by touching and holding the screen where the sheep are standing, you can breed them to make a lamb.

What is the relationship between Santiago and Marlin in the short story The Old Man and the Sea?

In the short story "The Old Man and the Sea," Santiago is the old man who goes out to sea to fish, and Marlin is the large fish he catches. Their relationship is one of struggle and respect, as Santiago sees the marlin as a worthy opponent and respects its strength and will to survive. At the same time, Santiago is determined to catch the marlin to prove himself as a skilled fisherman.

Who called himself guardian of the sheep?

The character Santiago in the novel "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho called himself the guardian of the sheep. He was a shepherd who ultimately embarks on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening.

Why does santiago believe his luck will change on the 85th day in the old man and the sea?

Santiago believes his luck will change on the 85th day because he sees it as a significant number symbolizing a new beginning or change. He feels a sense of hope and determination as he nears the end of his struggle to catch the marlin, and believes that his perseverance will ultimately be rewarded.

Why is your rooster attacking your little girl?

That is the roosters job. He is the guardian of his flock and he will attack anything he perceives as a threat to his flock. Children are often targets for rooster attacks as they move in what the rooster sees as a threatening manner approaching the hens and often very animated while doing so. Kids tend to run and cry when attacked by a rooster which make the rooster more excited and powerful feeling.

Why are sheep cowardly?

They cannot be described as cowardly as they are not moral beings. Sheep tend to run away from danger as this is a strategy that has served them well for thousands of years. Sheep are 'prey' animals. They don't hunt for food, they don't have sharp claws or poison to spray at attackers. They just graze on grass. And there ARE animals, such as dogs and wolves, that will chase and eat sheep. So if any sheep is born brave, it won't last long in the world. The first wolf it ever stands up to will probably be the last wolf it ever sees. It will be the last THING it ever sees. So through thousands of generations of sheep, the brave / foolhardy ones are eaten young and the skittish / coward ones live long enough to breed... and they pass on their coward tendencies. This is true of all prey animals. Zebra, elk, deer, cows. They prefer to stick together (because there's safety in numbers) and they run at the first sign of danger. but if you keep a sheep as a pet where there are no wolves... tahdah no they are not

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The cyclops sees Odysseus' men as a short-term resource which is to be consumed. The cyclops takes good care of his sheep, milking them daily, and letting them go out to pasture to graze.