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1. If you have not blood relation to that country

2.If you are not secured & patriotic

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by substitution,release, renouncation etc

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Abdi Chachu

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Q: What are the ways of losing citizenship in Ethiopian?
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identify and explain ways of acquiring and losing ethiopian citizenship

How can you lose your ethiopian citizenship?

According to the Ethiopian Nationality Law Proclamation, one can lose their Ethiopian citizenship if they renounce it. One can also lose their citizenship if one of the parents of an Ethiopian child is not an Ethiopian citizen. If one has been discharged from the law or gotten in trouble with the law loss of Ethiopian citizenship is also eminent.

Where can you apply for Ethiopian visa in ASEAN?

You can apply for an Ethiopian visa in any of the ASEAN member countries at the local Etiopian embassy. The requirements will vary according to your citizenship.

What are the mode of losing citizenship?

The modes to attain citizenship in Ethiopia are by law or by blood. Losing citizenship in Ethiopia requires the modes of renunciation, one foreign parent, discharge by law, and breaking the law.

What are ways of acquiring citizenship?

by birth and by law

What are general ways of acquiring citizenship?

by birth and by law

How can a person loose their citizenship?

A person can lose their citizenship voluntarily (i.e) on their own wish. If citizens act in any way that is against the laws of the country, then the Government of that country can strip the person's citizenship status. Not all criminal offence lead to the losing of citizenship.

Ways in losing a baby?

don't do it.

What are two ways of obtaining citizenship in the US?

By birth and by naturalization.

What are ways in which a person can gain U.S. citizenship?

They must either be born in the United States or they must pass the citizenship test.

What are TWO ways by which people can lose citizenship?

Losing your citizenship For a natural-born citizen, losing your citizenship is actually quite difficult. The law prohibits the taking of your citizenship against your will, but there are certain actions a citizen can take which are assumed to be a free-will decision that constitutes a voluntary renunciation of the citizenship. Moving to another country for an extended period of time does not constitute an act that presumes renunciation. Neither does taking a routine-level job with a foreign government. This stand is quite different from U.S. policy of the past, where even being naturalized in another nation could be seen as renunciation. The sections of the law that pertained to losing ones nationality for many of these cases was found at 8 USC 1482 and related sections. The U.S. Code does, however, see some acts as creating the possibility of a loss of nationality. When you lose your U.S. nationality, you are no longer under the protection or jurisdiction of the United States. When the United States considers you to no longer be of U.S. nationality, it in effect considers you to no longer be a citizen. Note that these are things you can do that may force you to lose your citizenship. The law also says that these acts must be voluntary and with the intent of losing U.S. citizenship. The ways to lose citizenship are detailed in 8 USC 1481: * Becoming naturalized in another country * Swearing an oath of allegiance to another country * Serving in the armed forces of a nation at war with the U.S., or if you are an officer in that force * Working for the government of another nation if doing so requires that you become naturalized or that you swear an oath of allegiance * Formally renouncing citizenship at a U.S. consular office * Formally renouncing citizenship to the U.S. Attorney General * By being convicted of committing

The act of Indian citizenship was passed in?

The Indian Citizenship Act was passed in 1955. It defines who is considered a citizen of India and outlines the ways in which citizenship can be acquired or lost.