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becuse they wanted to establish it

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Q: What are the three reasons for the settlement of Georgia?
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What were the three reasons for settlement in Georgia?

The state of Georgia is a beautiful. Most parts are in the country.

What are the three reasons for the founding of Georgia?

Economics charity and defence

Where was Georgia's first settlement?

Savannah, Georgia was the first Britishsettlement.

What do you notice about population distribution and settlement location in Ancient Egypt List three reasons for this.?

River land and desert

What was the southern most settlement in the 13 colony's?

The Province of Georgia (later known as Georgia) was the southernmost settlement in the 13 original colonies.

What is Georgias settlement?

georgia's house

What was the southern most settlement in the 13 colonies?

Georgia is the southern most of the 13 colonies.

What was georgias first English settlement?

Savannah was the first English settlement in Georgia.

Why did the English encourage settlement in Georgia?

The English encouraged settlement in Georgia so the criminals and debtors would act as a buffer against Indian attacks.

Who founded the Georgia settlement?

James Oglethorpe.

Who started the first settlement in Georgia?


Where was the southern colonies settlement?

They were from Maryland to Georgia.