

Best Answer
  1. Greece - Athens
  2. Italy - Rome
  3. Norway - Oslo
  4. Denmark - Copenhagen
  5. Portugal - Lisbon
  6. Finland - Helsinki
  7. Estonia - Tallinn
  8. Ireland - Dublin
  9. Sweden - Stockholm
  10. Malta - Valletta
  11. Netherlands - Amsterdam
  12. Latvia - Riga
  • Gurjot Singh Sodhi
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Only Copenhagen and Stockholm are located on the Baltic Sea. However, Helsinki and Tallinn are located on the Gulf of Finland, which is an outlet of the Baltic Sea.

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lisbon Athens

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Q: What are the three capital cities that lie on the coast of Africa?
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Which capital city in South Africa is not on the coast?

The country of South Africa has three capital cities: Cape Town (on the coast) Pretoria (inland) Bloemfoentein (inland) The last two cities are therefore capital cities not on the coast

What is the three capital cities of South Afirica?

The three capital cities of South Africa are Pretoria (the administrative capital), Cape Town (the legislative capital), and Bloemfontein (the judicial capital).

What are South Africa's three main cities?

The capital cities of South Africa are Bloemfontein, Pretoria and Cape Town. Largest city is Johannesburg, but this is not a capital city.

What are the three national capital cities that are located on the coast?

Tokyo, Jakarta, Singapore

Cape Town and Pretoria are Two capital cities of?

South Africa has three capital cities: Pretoria, Cape Town and Bloemfontein

What is the capital of South Africa except cape town?

South Africa has three capital cities: Pretoria Bloemfontein and Cape Town

Cape Town is the capital of what country?

Cape Town is A capital city of South Africa; South Africa in fact has three capital cities of which Cape Town is only one. The other two cities are Pretoria and Bloemfontein.

What physical region has three capitals?

interior plains

What country in Africa has 3 capitals and what are they?

South Africa: Capetown (legislative capital), Pretoria (administrative capital), and Bloemfontein (judiciary capital).

What is the capital of the nation that is locate the nation that is located at the southern tip of Africa?

South Africa is located at the southern tip of Africa. Pretoria is the executive capital city (Cape Town is the legislative capital and Bloemfontein the judicial capital) of the Republic of South Africa.

What is the present capital of South Africa?

Currently South Africa has three Capital Cities the executive capital is Pretoria, and the other two are Bloemfontein and the largest is Cape town The largest city however is Johannesburg.

What country has a capital called pretoria?

It is one of the three capitals of South Africa, the administrative and executive capital. The legislature meets at Cape Town. The judicial capital is at Bloemfontein.