Alluvial soil found in haryana - Vishal Azad / KV Palwal
Yes, Dehar are 100% Jatt found in Punjab Haryana
The top English Colleges in Haryana are : English World, Yamuna Nagar (Haryana), Government college (Haryana), Daronacharya Government college (Haryana).
Gujarat, Haryana, Punjab, UP, MP, MH
Yes , Dhami is a Jat cast, Its found in districts of Haryana & Rajasthan
There were no resources found . lol
we celebrate haryana day on 1november because haryana was made on 1november
state best rank haryana is 0861
Amost everywhere in India. Mostly in Punjab, Haryana, Himachal pradesh etc.
there are 19 districts in haryana
how many vollage in haryana